Sunday, October 11, 2009

Paleo Breath

When we first went Paleo I was a little worried about having cavewoman's breath. In my case it'll be like a garlicy-fishy stank.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I normally carry mentos or some form of mint in my bag and typically take them after I have a cup of coffee or before a meeting (or if there's a cute guy in the gym).

When we took on this 30 days challenge, I threw my synthetic sugar thing out and felt sadly doomed with cavewoman's breath. Then I remembered the fennel seeds that Indian restaurants usually offer at the counter for customers to chew on to freshen up their breath. (image on left from here)

Here are some other great benefits (and image) of fennel seeds other than as a breath freshener, which I got from this site.

Medicinal Uses
  • Fennel is commonly used as a digestive aid. Fennel is known to be a remedy for gas, indigestion, heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • A tea made with a few fresh sprigs of fennel or a teaspoon of seeds will relieve indigestion.
  • Fennel is an effective treatment for respiratory congestion and is a common ingredient in cough remedies.
  • A tea made from fennel helps to stimulate the flow of breast milk
Other Uses
  • It used as a mouth freshener by Indians who often chew fennel seed as a mouth-freshener.
  • Fennel is also used as a flavoring in some natural toothpastes.

Yesterday I was looking for some spices in the little grocer store in my apartment complex and found that they sold fennel seeds, 1 small pack for only RM 1. I bought it and will be carrying it in a little tin with me.

So Paleo Pals, get some fennel seeds now and impress your date, colleagues/ peers or that hot guy/gal in the gym with your healthy fresh breath!

(image from here)

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