Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 5 Progress

Day 5

(1) Breakfast

- Black coffee (yuck again)
- freshly squeezed apple + bittergourd + orange juice (which i found that it is not allowed in Paleo?! What?! I am falling into depression now)

(2) Lunch

- Sounds of Havana Salad (Capsicum, avocado, cucumber and chicken) from Marmalade, Bangsar Village II
(Picture taken from someone's blog. The current salad size is smaller).

(3) Snack post work out

- 1 red apple, 1 kiwi

(4) Dinner

- Red Rosted Cod (with watercrest salad on the side) from Senses, KL Hilton
- 1 glass of Red and White wine each (this is the highlight of my diet so far! Trust me, i checked the amount first before i indulged in it. Thanks to JW and Cris for searching out the allowable quantity in the evening. You guys made my day! Whee!!)
- fruits platter for desserts

I suppose that the Cod is somehow cooked with some butter as i feel slight bloated after eating. Nonetheless, i suppose when one is doing business dinner, it is better not to sound to weird in ordering the food. Curious stare is the least that i need from my business guest.

*my cravings for dessert have reduced some how. yeay! little improvement karen *pad on my shoulder* ^.^

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks much nicer than my chak fun dishes meals.

    hmmmm the salad looks DIVINE!!!
