Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 14!

Great news! We're closing in on the mid-month! Yay! :)

Still remember the first few days when everyone was pretty much trying to fit more food into the tummy to satisfy hunger pangs. Hunger was the buzzer in our heads. (Bet "hungry" won the Guiness Book of Thoughts record in October).

We only realise that it is a sign that our body is in "shock" because it has never been deprived of sugar of that magnitude. This is also a sign of how much we unknowingly feed our bodies with sugar! Yikes!

Little realisations of the past few days:
  1. I have to eat so much more protein to last till next meal. (2 chicken keels + 2 fruits = perfect!)
  2. It's easier to eat wiser when alone. Colleagues & friends make it 'difficult' to say no to non-paleo food. Have been through 3 wedding dinners over the weekend and it's a mouthful trying to explain! Try explaining to aunties why you can't eat a pau for breakfast!! Haha!
  3. Expenses increasing this month on food that I'm thinking of rearing chickens in my garden and breeding fish in my backyard.
  4. I feel 'lighter', 'lifted' and estatic! Wheeeeeeeeee! :D
  5. I've eaten more fruits these 2 weeks than any other 2 weeks in my life! Averaging 4-5 fruits a day man. We should own an orchard guys. Sure wax & pesticide-free!

I am looking forward to next week when I can start preparing my meals easily. And I can head to the morning markets and become a price haggler.. and get myself the best meat cuts at the best prices... and fresh fruits! Who knows, the fruit sellers might just throw in an extra 1-2 fruits for bulk purchases.. Haha. :)

Till then,

Bon appetite, mes amies!

"Nothing tastes as good as slim is going to feel"

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