Sunday, November 1, 2009

DAY 31 :) The end of the beginning!

WELL DONE to those who embarked and completed this journey of exploration, determination and self-consciousness of limited caloric choice intake! 31 days is not an easy feat! And I bet ALL of us can vouch for that!

The journey was kinda roller-coasterish throughout this whole month! Do you still remember this post?
And this? And this?

Those were the milestones that we've succeeded to overcome. We've definitely felt one of these: "it's too hard...tiring...makes me hungry all the time!!" Well, we overcame that too! We know how to curb hunger and what exactly to eat now for more benefits. (Well yeah there's the nutty element to it. Feel like a squirrel sometimes. )

Within 31 days:
1)We've hit PRs - strength, speed, skills!

2)We've got better looking and feel better about our bodies!

3)And most importantly, we've gotten an education on nutrition. What we read, consumed & experienced will be good insights to our own bodies. Actions speak louder than words when it comes to food choices.

To the PaleoPals - a BIG CONGRATULATIONS ! You've taken the first step to a stronger and healthier body. You guys are amazing! Lets keep it going in terms of results and performance!

Also, to those PushMore-mons who have been supportive of us - A HUGE THANK YOU for being there for us - supporting, encouraging and allowing us space to breathe whilst we were in the midst of our hunger pangs. You guys know who you are. :)

The next question to answer is, "What will you do next?" Lets say for the next 1-2months? Or even a lifelong choice to change your lifestyle?

For now, I'm gonna scream for some ice cream! :)


Tonight's edition:

And for future consumption...